The GR8 Girls do Stardust

October 20, 2006

Bookclub big

Click on the pics to enlarge
I’ve been part of the GR8 bookclub for about 4 years now and together with Lara, Sheryl and Nicolette, I form the founding member core. We have a fabulous group of girls and have really bonded over many glasses of wine and some fab books.

We decided to move our traditional December restaurant outing to October so that I could have a farewell (I was touched by the thought 🙂 We met at Stardust in Rondebosch. If you don’t know, the waitrons in this Israeli-owned establishment all go to some sort of performing arts school. So they get up on the little stage during the night and sing/play an instrument. It’s a great concept and is saved from going stale by the fact that the food is awesome.
Stardust Food
I had my favourite Chicken Tagine which comes in the authentic Moroccan pottery dish. My other pick is the Fillet Kebab – yum! The others had a variety of dishes including the Chicken Kiev, salads, falafel in pita and more. The unanimous decision for dessert was the crème brulle which is up there as the most decadently delicious crème brulee in the country. The secret, our waitress tells us, is that it is made with white chocolate.

As a gift, the girls gave me a recipe book containing printouts of each GR8’ers favourite recipe. We’ve been talking about doing this for years and I was so impressed that it is finally out there. It really is a wonderful pressie and I’m sure I will have lots of fun in the kitchen conjouring up these dishes. Thanks to everyone for this thoughtful present, and especially my special friend Sheryl for compiling it all so dutifully.

I will be back for a holiday in April so I can’t wait to see you all for the April bookclub.